Chapter 6- Entre Familia
Ven Conmigo, Spanish Level I
Chapter 6- Primer Paso
Objectives: Students will learn about the role of godparents in Spanish-speaking countries; describe family relationships; and use possessive and descriptive adjectivies to describe family members.
Standards for Foreign Language learning:
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1
Day 1- Presenting Vocabulario, p. 173; Teaching Transparency 6-1; Additional Vocabulary and Language Note, p. 173; Introduce my family using pictures.
Day 2- Así se dice, p. 174, Nota gramatical, p. 174 possessive adjectives, Actividad 8 Gramática en contexto; Cuaderno de actividades pp. 62-64
Day 3- Nota Cultural, p. 174 Godparents and their roles in the hispanic family; TPR Story using overhead; Celebrity family tree, asking questions about relations- ¿lógico o ilógico?
Day 4- Using flashcards review vocabulary; Listening Activity 6-1 and 6-2; Communicative Activity 6-1 with partner; Cuaderno de gramática pp. 45-46
Day 5- Translations; review for 6-1 Examencito
Day 6- Assessment 6.1 Examencito (Assessment artifact D)
Chapter 6- Segundo Paso
Objectives: Students will use hacer and salir to ask questions and describe what a family does together; use the personal a, and describe people and talk about family activities.
Standards for Foreign Language learning:
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2
Day 1- Así se dice, p. 178; TPR Storytelling transparency; Present Vocabulario p. 178, include vocabulary from También se puede decir... p. 178; Cuaderno de actividades p. 65 actividad 9
Day 2- Introduce Family Photo Album. Go over grading rubric and requirements, demonstrate past examples. Review descriptions and introduce new vocabulary for describing people; Listening activity 16.
Day 3- Nota gramatical p. 180 (yo-go verbs); Add hacer/salir/venir to verb packets; Nota gramatical p. 181 “personal a” Gramática en contexto actividad 23; Cuaderno de gramatica pp. 48-49
Day 4- Using flashcards review vocabulary; Communicative Activity 6-2 with partner; Cuaderno de actividades pp. 65-69
Day 5- Translations; review for 6-2 Examencito
Day 6- Assessment 6.2 Examencito (Assessment Artifact E)
Chapter 6- Tercer Paso
Objectives: Students will use deber and poner; describe household chores; and ask for and give advice.
Standards for Foreign Language learning:
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2
Day 1- Students present family photo albulms to class; Así se dice, p. 184; Nota gramatical p. 180 & p. 181 (deber and poner); use TPR gestures to introduce los quehaceres
Day 2- Ask questions using deber; state a problem and give a suggestion ¿lógico o ilógico?; present Vocabulario p. 185; Más práctica gramatical actividades 7-9
Day 3- Teaching transparency 6-3, giving advice Deber + infinitive; cuaderno de gramática p. 50, Mini-cuento for transparency; Querida Amalia actividad 33
Day 4- Introduce -ito/ita; Use flashcards review vocabulary; Communicative Activity 6-3 with partner; Listening activities 6-5 and 6-6
Day 5- Translations; review for 6-3 Examencito
Day 6- Assessment 6.3 Examencito (Assessment Artifact F)