Philosophy Statement
As a teacher of the 21st century, I believe all students have the capability to learn. I also believe that all students have the right to learn and that all teachers have an obligation to teach and to give students an education. The purpose of a student to gain an education goes far beyond that of learning arithmetic or spelling words. It is the opportunity for students as young citizens of our world to become aware of other people, to learn about people’s differences and similarities. To be educated means to be open-minded and to be sensitive to differences. With our ever-changing society, I feel that the future leaders of tomorrow need to be more open-minded and accepting individuals.
From our first minute of life, we being learning. Everyday that passes we learn. Learning along with acquisition, is a part of life. What I wish to accomplish as a teacher is acquisition and learning. Whereas learning requires more effort from the student, acquisition is effortless and subconscious. As a teacher, I want to take advantage of every moment that I have with a student in and out of my classroom to teach. I want to teach more than Spanish. I want to teach the important critical thinking skills that are in demand with any career a student may want to pursue. I want to teach students to embrace other cultures. By teaching a foreign language, I feel that through culture students become more open and accepting to diversity; diversity in all its forms.
In my classroom, I want students to have real-world experiences. I embrace the teaching philosophy that John Dewey refined, progressivism. My students will work cooperatively and collaboratively as outlined in all of my unit plans. Students will be constantly engaged in meaningful learning activities. There will not be traditional rows in my classroom. Desks will be arranged in a horseshoe. This encourages student dialogue and cooperative learning activities. It also allows for individual learning opportunities. I want an environment that is inviting to students and encourages exploration. The walls should be readable. I wish to instill internal motivation in my students that will encourage them to constantly seek the answers to all of life’s questions. When a student leaves my class, I hope that they are able to speak Spanish, but more than that I hope that they feel a sense of empowerment with their education. I want them to be life long learners.
Most importantly, I believe that being a teacher is a career full of rewards. A teacher has the benefit of starting over every hour of the day. A simple smile from a student is priceless. Teachers have the best career because they change people’s lives. When I was younger I said I was going to change the world; now I can one student at a time.