Goal # 11: Technology
The beginning teacher understands theories and applications of technology in educational settings and has adequate technological skills to create meaningful learning opportunities for all students.
To demonstrate my understanding of technology and its importance in an educational setting I am submitting four artifacts: Listening Activities and TPRS lessons from a unit plan Entre Familia, a web quest from a Tsunami , and this electronic portfolio.
With this electronic portfolio, I show my competence and understanding of how to use technology in today’s technological world. With the use of FrontPage and other Microsoft applications, I built this entire web page from scratch. With this experience, I know I have the ability to use my understanding of technology in the classroom.
In my unit Entre Familia, several lessons use different forms of technology. Students used listening activities as a means of self-assessment. Students would listen to a script from a CD, then fill in their worksheets based on the information they heard. Students used context clues as well as key guide words to help them in their understanding.
Also, when doing the TPRS lessons, I used the overhead as a tool for all students to see the illustrations while I told a cuento. I used the overhead as a tool with several other activities to practice the use of vocabulary and to ask questions in order to elicit student oral communication in the classroom.
With the help of the teachers of the Modern Language Department as well as the administration, the students developed a fundraiser after the Tsunami in South Asia. I created a web quest for students to use a means to study the different cultures and languages from the countries affected. The students were engaged in learning about the people they were helping. This created a truly authentic learning experience for the students using technology. Students dedicated time before and after school to make culture grams and sell them for $.50 and to collect money from students and faculty in the school. The students were able to raise $1730.
At both of my placements, technology is used to help the teacher with daily tasks such as attendance or inputting grades. I was trained on both applications and took attendance daily as well as helped with inputting grades. The schools used two different applications, Making the Grade and Power School.