and Instructional Leadership
School of
of Missouri- Kansas City
have taught graduate courses and designed a new masters degree,
a masters degree in curriculum and instructional leadership
with an emphasis on learning technologies, for the School of
Education. I have taught Curriculum Design, Portfolio dDevelopment
for the Kansas City Teaching Fellows, and cognition and technology.
I am currently scheduled to teach Action Research, Advanced
Educational Psychology and Assessing the Role of Technology
in Education.
Shadow Net
Workspace Project Manager, 2001-2003
for Technology Innovations in Education, School of Information
Science and Learning Technologies,
University of
Youth Leadership and Technology Program,
Vashon Education Compact,
Coro Midwestern Training Center,
St. Louis Public School District.
I designed and
implemented authentic problem-based units for the Youth Leadership
and Technology Program in a middle school in the St. Louis Public
School District. This project is part of the Vashon Education
Compact, a non-profit educational reform organization funded partially
by the Danforth Foundation. I designed and implemented, with Coro
Midwestern Training Center, a non-profit, non-partisan educational
institution supported by foundations, corporations and individuals,
an advanced authentic-based problem-solving unit defined by the
study of current issues in St. Louis. The units, Community Renewal
and Neighborhood Connections, helped students identify issues
in their community and interact with businesses, organizations
and government agencies in the city of St. Louis to affect change
in their community.
I integrated
Shadow NetWorkspace, a Linux-based open-source online middleware
program, into St. Louis Public Schools. The students develop online
contacts with experts in the field in order to research and respond
to their issues. Shadow Net Workspace was developed and is supported
by the School of Information Sciences and Learning Technologies
at the University of Missouri-Columbia.
Vashon Science Initiative, Vashon Education Compact.
I did professional
development with the Vashon Science Initiative Program, also part
of the VEC, to train the teachers to use Shadow Net Workspace
as part of their professional development program for implementing
reform-based science units.
instruction of Advanced Child Develoment, Webster University,
taught Advanced Child Development online in the online MAT degree
program at Webster University. I designed the website using WEb
CT and implemented the assessemnts online.
Assistant, Early Childhood Dept, College of Education, University
of Missouri-Columbia, 2001-2002
I worked with
Dr. Espinoza, Early Childhood Dept. at UMC and Dr. Laffey, Learning
Sciences and Technology Dept. at UMC to implement an Interagency
Educational Research Initiative planning grant. I worked at a
St. Louis Public School District elementary school gathering data,
conducting interviews and developing technology integration programs
for the educators.
Assistant, Educational Psychology Department, University of Missouri-St.
Louis, 1999-2001
I worked on the development and implementation of an Interagency
Educational Research Initiative grant at UMSL. The grant was a
3-year study of the professional development practices of teachers
implementing an inquiry-based instructional model, Schools for
Thought, in the St. Louis Public School District. I created a
model of reflective professional development for the teachers
including the development of a website,, and
reflection templates using multi-media to aid teachers in designing
new curriculum.
Instructor, Educational Psychology Department, UMSL, 2000- 2002
I taught The Psychology of Teaching and Learning to undergraduate
students. I taught it as a project-based course emphasizing the
development of student understanding of the psychological theories
through their response to a series of scenarios such as the design
and analysis of case studies and the realistic integration of
field studies in the St. Louis Public School District.
Instructor, 1995-2001, Microcomputers Dept., Continued Education
Program, UMSL.
I instructed students in the Kids N Computer program at the University
of Missouri-St. Louis. It is part of the Microcomputers Department
at UMSL. I taught classes on web site design using DreamWeaver,
creating interactive videos using Macromedia Director and coding
using Visual Basic to middle school students. I taught workshops
on integrating the internet to educators from the St. Charles
School District. This workshop was also offered through the Microcomputers
Department at UMSL.
Gifted Education Facilitator, 1996-1999, Center for Creative Learning,
Rockwood School District.
Utilizing the most current technological aids, I developed and
implemented curriculum for gifted students in the Rockwood School
District. The curriculum was inquiry-based designed around current
issues and emerging technologies. The curriculum was written with
Missouri State Standards and Rockwood Core Curriculum Objectives
stated and assessed. All the units involved community organizations,
private and public, in their design and implementation.
Instructor, 1993-1999
I trained teachers in the Rockwood School District on PageMaker,
Web Page Design, Desktop Publishing and Word Formatting.
I instructed college students in the business program at East
Central College on the Macintosh system. I instructed teachers
in the Union R-XI School District on a variety of software. I
taught courses for parents in a community outreach program in
Union R-XI School District.
Education Coordinator 1993-1996
I developed and coordinated the gifted education program for grades
4-8 at the Union R-XI School District. My students presented interactive
multimedia projects at the Department of Elementary and Secondary
Education Technology Conference in 1995.
Instructor 1987-1993
I taught grades 4th and 6th grades at Beaufort Elementary in the
Union R-XI School District.
School Instructor, 1985-1987
I taught grades 2-3 at Zion School in St. Clair, Missouri.